
Monday Motivation #3 | The Pep In Your Step

Happy Monday folks!!

Today I want to talk about how you can put some “PEP” in your step.  This is most especially for my people who are not morning people.  Using just one of these tips can mean the difference between an Ok Monday and a Great Monday.

1. Go to bed on time – Your monday’s may be dragging due to lack of sleep. 

2. Read a motivation quote, devotional  or blog post (shameless plug) before heading out the door. 

3. Time out for a 15min workout before you hop in the shower.  This gives a burst of energy just as nice as a cup of coffee. 

4. Have a cup of coffee.  Wakes you right up. I like to start drinking my cup 15mins before meetings so that I’m high on caffeine by the time I take my seat. 

5. Listen to music – Studies show that music has a strong effect on mood. Keep it fun and high energy. save the R&B for night time. lol 


One tip that has helped me the most —— Pray. I commit the day into the Lords hands and I know that whatver may happen, He’s got me.



Have a an awesome money and an even awesomer (lol) week.