
2019 Look Back + 2020 Forward!

As I reflect on 2019, I am filled with thankfulness.

It was right before the New Year (2019) that I took a test and discovered I was expecting baby #2 aka Bibs. I didn’t know if the baby would be a boy, a girl or twins. I freaked out for a split but then my head reset because this was what I prayed for and was having unending debates about (insider). I knew God would not give me what I could not handle and he would give when he knew I was ready. So that was how we started 2019! A baby on the way. Lol 

At the close of this year, while I type this, Bibs is busy being Bibs (crying and cooing) down stairs with her daddy and I am taking a break from editing a video due tonight during Crossover service. 

For those that were sent here from my most recent Instagram post; 

A gentleman’s family is when a couple has a boy child first and then a girl. It was my Internet family Twin who educated me on this. (Digression: I’ve met some really great people via Instagram, I call her “family twin” because we have our kids in the exact same order, year and within a few weeks/months of each other. All we need is an IRL meet up to solidify the

Anyway, not only did I learn what a Gentleman’s family was, I also learned a few other things that I will be carrying on into the New Year: 

  1. Admit when you need help AND TAKE IT – It’s ok to “ABC” ie Always Be Closing aka Get Things Done but it is also ok to admit when you need help, accept the help offered and not feel pressured to immediately return the favor. That’s three things in one but they all fit together. I am so appreciative of my tribe/family. Whether it was watching my babies or helping with my business etc.. they were there for me… Bless Y’all.
  2. Capture the moments but more importantly… LIVE IN THEM. With each passing day, the world becomes more and more connected. We can see what’s happening in Nigeria, Australia or even Antarctica in a matter of seconds (some times live). Friendships based on common interests are no longer limited by geography. However, with this phenom, there is an undeniable pressure to present ourselves to the world as interesting, funny, charming, beautiful etc. There is a pressure to always be at the most fun or photographic places. There is a pressure to always POST. Always Share. We find ourselves spending more time taking, editing and posting the perfect picture(s) & stories rather than living in the moment with all of our senses. There is nothing wrong with capturing these moments but if you don’t actually experience them outside of your phone, what’s the point? LIVE YOUR LIFE 
  4. Get out of your comfort zone. There is more than what you know.  – I met a man who had never been outside of the city of Baltimore until his girl decided that she wanted to raise their child in a safer neighborhood. They moved to Baltimore county, which for him, was major. Moving out of his area was a shock but it opened his eyes to the possibilities. There was more to life and living than what he had known. It was different but he was embracing it. Had he not decided to move out of what he knew his whole life, what do you think could have happened? This also goes hand in hand with the next lesson.
  5. Don’t limit your dream to what you think is attainable. Go beyond it but HAVE A PLAN. The biggest mistake any of us can make is limiting our dreams and aspirations to what we think we know and understand. Without realizing, we settle ourselves for what we think is good (or good enough) for us. There is so much more in this world we can accomplish/attain. We also have to be willing to work for it. I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guest said something so eye opening. He said while trying to get a bank loan for a project, he learned that the energy needed to get $100,000 was the same energy used to get $1,000,000 so why not go for it. And he did. So if you have an idea for a business, project or goal, go beyond that, then work backwards to figure out the steps needed to reach it. 
  6. Surround yourself with people (or at least one person) that pours into you. You could be a giver/supporter all you want but once you are empty you will have nothing left. It’s much harder to fill a tire that is completely flat. Don’t let yourself get that far. This also goes for prioritizing your health. Rest & Recharge, Fam. 

And that’s it folks. That’s the sum of every lesson I learned in 2019. I think these are great foundation blocks to build on for 2020 so welcome to the New Year!

I can’t wait to see how this goes.


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