
Denouncing Alpha Kappa Alpha | My Testimony of Deliverance

In 2009,  I pledged to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. We left campus for an entire weekend for the initiation process. We went through org history, procedures, bonding exercises etc. Everything for the most part had been fine. I was prepared for this. It was not until the final ceremonies of the last night and the final morning that I felt uneasy. We were ushered into a dark room with candles and what was essentially an altar (or shrine). I exchanged glances with a fellow initiate, saying without words “What was this…?” 

 I was already there though and thought “this is just hoopla. Not a big deal.” I proceeded. We recited what we had been taught and went through the other rituals that evening and the next day.
I crossed and that was that. I felt, I now had a group of ladies I would call sisters and friends. It would be great. But there were many times I would just be left with feelings of disappointment.

In hindsight, I am not surprised, after all, trust placed outside of God will always lead to disappointment. There was always one drama or another and I often felt like I did not belong, like… this was not for me. Why am I here? I shouldn’t be here.

Why is being active such a difficult task?
It was always a battle between sorority activities and church. It wasn’t easy. Our chapter meetings were held on Sundays and I would either have to miss it or be late (which was its own thing) because the timing was smack in the middle of church service. I would leave church as early as reasonably possible (in my mind) and head to the meeting. There were times I felt like I was having fun but something would always pull me away. I shouldn’t be here and for me, it was just not working.

I remember attending the regional conference weekend and Sunday was supposed to be a worship service. I thought, even though I am missing my church service at least I’ll get to worship God AND be active. Wrong. I felt so uneasy as the sermon was nothing more than a motivational speech. The Bible was not referenced a single time. My pastor often says that if anything he says does not align with the Bible then we should trash it. With all that I heard, I knew what it was. I left as early as I could in hopes to still make it to my church back in Baltimore.

Another moment in time that stuck out to me was the day we were all on campus for our initiation anniversary (We called it our AKAversary) I wanted to take a picture with the mural of the AKA shield as the backdrop. It was painted on an elevated surface under the MSU bridge. I put my foot up on it in a pose and was immediately corrected that the shield should never be below me. I was taken aback and I could never forget.

In hindsight, I now know that I when I became an AKA, I had pledged my allegiance (i.e. made a covenant) to an idol (false god) and the expectation was to either place myself below (bow, submit, serve) or along side (be in agreement) with, but never above.

Psalms 135:15-18 says The idols of the nations are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.

So if, the sorority was not of God, then it indeed was an idol/false god and essentially worthless and the problem with that experience is in direct violation of the authority I had as a true child of God.

What is that authority?

Psalms 91:13  God tells me that because I made THE MOST HIGH my refuge and my dwelling place “I shall TREAD upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent shall I TRAMPLE UNDERFOOT”.

Luke 10:19 says  that God has “…given you [i.e. me]  authority to TRAMPLE on snakes and scorpions and to OVERCOME all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

There were other instances, where things didn’t feel right but in those moments I chalked it up to being an introvert or not having time. I believe now it was God.

After graduation, I let my membership go inactive and though I connected with a former linesister here or there I was not a participant. At times, when I felt alone, I would consider reactivating to get involved and connect with others but I never went through with it. Thank God.

In April 2023, I came across a Youtube video with Minister Kevin LA Ewing and Prophetess Tiphani Montgomery. They were discussing covenants/altars, the spiritual implications of them and how the demons that back them manifest in our physical lives. I knew the issues I had been dealing with for the longest time and I could also see some of the things they talked about manifesting in the lives of other ladies I pledged with. I felt God pulling at me… He had been pulling at me for a while and I prayed a few times, but this was different. I went down a rabbit hole of teachings/ministrations, following along with the scriptures because without scripture it’s trash. The more I learned, the more I could clearly hear what God was saying. I was convicted, If I was the bride and Christ was the groom, I was a cheat. I was unequally yoked but God in His mercy opened my eyes.

But I’m no longer active. Isn’t that enough?
In my learning, I now also understood that though I was no longer an active participant, God is a respecter of covenants (and rules) and though I professed Christ, there was still an access point the enemy/satan had in my life (and bloodline) that needed to be removed (forever). With this understanding, I prayed, I repented, I rejected and I renounced. Through out last year, I trashed every bit of paraphernalia I could locate or come across. I deleted pictures that I had access to. I thought I was done. God kept pressing on me that I wasn’t done. I dug deeper into what I needed to do. Earlier this year (2024), I took the next step of officiality, mailing a formal (notarized) letter to the sorority headquarters. Why? Because when God says do something, you have to do it in totality. You went in formally. You have to come out formally.

That finally brings me to today… In obedience to God, where I publicly denounce any and every association I have had with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. I am sorry to everyone I ever lead astray during my time in the organization through my participation, encouragement to join, involvement in other initiations and even in my silence. I pray that just as God pulled me out (Delivered!!!), you will lean into Him and let Him pull you out too.

With boldness, I reiterate that there is only one true living God and that He is Lord of all.  I will serve Him, not man or any idol (Matthew 6:24). Jesus is the only way to God the Father (salvation) and if you are in or were ever associated with a sorority or fraternity, I encourage you to do the work and see what God really says about all of this. As a follower of Christ think about the words you spoke during your initiation process, the songs, chants, poems. Everything. Analyze them and hold them up to what God says in His Living Word. The BIBLE.

I am thankful to God for giving many others the courage, boldness and grace to share their testimonies and put together a plethora of resources to help others who were like me (hanging on the outskirts in ignorance) and those who are in deep. I’ve added links to videos and sites that helped me below:

Thank you for your time and attention. I pray for understanding where needed.
I hope that my next post will be of a much lighter note and we can connect again soon.


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