Yesterday, we celebrated International Women’s Day and I had a moment of reflection. It wasn’t until the last few years, that I really understood what it meant to be a woman not just in America but in the world.

At first, I wanted to talk about challenges and obstacles we have and are still trying to overcome but then, once I really thought about it… I decide to first and foremost CELEBRATE.
There is a magic in womanhood that is remarkable. In every aspect of life (Financial, physical, spiritual, biological etc) God has made us multipliers. He has made us resilient. We are builders, growers, nurturers. And it’s not just limited to child bearing/rearing lol.
Though underrated, we are powerful!
I mean really powerful. Smart. Analytical. Emotional (This is a positive). Creative. Strong. Feeling.
I am so thankful to God for making me who I am.
For every woman reading this…I know it’s easy to lose yourself… in your kids, marriage, profession and even in your pain. I want you to understand that you are more than those things. They are only one of your many facets.
Celebrate yourself. Care for yourself, and love yourself first.
Single or Married
Working, In school or focused on the home
You can cook or you can’t,
Corporate professional, Entrepreneur, Side-hustler, Mogul.
God has created us,
Marvelous beings.
We are amazing.
We are blessed.
We are givers;
We receive, multiply
and give back.
We are amazing...
Three Cheers to Us!
Hip, Hip, HIP!!
I’ve not written prose in a minute (a long Hope you’re inspired. For more fun.. make sure you are following me on Instagram here.
Loads of love to my women folk.
Love & Laughter,