Title: Creative Writing: Calm Before The Storm
Date: 10/28/12
Hurricane Sandy is on it’s way and…
It’s Sunday night and all weekend I’ve been hearing about Sandy, Sandy Sandy… If I wasn’t the smart cookie that I am, I would have thought she was a Kardashian or something ^_^
As of about noon, I’ve been checking Weather.com hourly. It’s not that I’m scared. I just like to be prepared. As one of my uncles would say “Don’t be an Ibadan christian” (No offense to my Ibadanians, I love that city). What he means is make sure your faith is strong but don’t be ignorant/negligent. If you are sick, pray for healing and take your meds. God may heal you through the meds or give you that instant miracle.
As of now, these things have occurred:
- Obama has issued MD state of emergency.
- Governor O’Malley has closed most state Offices and MTA service
- Federal offices are closed
- Early voting has been suspended
- Schools are closing.
Now, is it me or should I be looking for a bunker some where?
With my experience from the July storm (No power for a week + Accident) I’m wise enough to not stock my fridge with food, not travel around and keep all appliances hooked to their respective chargers. I have checked Teddy’s food supply and filled my gas tank.
I have a 1/2 box of Ramen noodles, frozen blended pepper, rice and a gas stove, so I will not starve. With the change of job, I don’t have to worry about ironing and my hair is shake and go. That being said I think I’m pretty set. If all else fails I have already mapped out crashpads for me, my electronics and dog 🙂
You all know who you are. *hint hint*
What I will do is pray and wish for the safety of all my North-East Coasters!.
Last Friday, I was in the middle of a perfusion and the specimen that was supposed to be immobilized ended up doing a near back flip in my face. I jumped back so face I think I pulled something. Trust and believe that when it came time for specimen number two, the bad boy was tied down S&M style.
No Games!