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Monday Motivation #2 | 10 Things that Require Zero Talent

Happy Monday to you!!

Monday is one of those days of the week that people dread- I thought it would be nice to provide you (and myself) with some encouragement, tips or advice for Mondays (and the great week ahead).

Found at work and had to snap :-)
Found at work and had to snap 🙂



1.       BEING ON TIME

2.       WORK ETHIC

3.       EFFORT


5.       ENERGY

6.       ATTITUDE

7.       PASSION


9.       DOING EXTRA






Enjoy your week


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TBT | Calm Before The Storm

Title: Creative Writing: Calm Before The Storm

Date: 10/28/12

Hurricane Sandy is on it’s way and…

It’s Sunday night and all weekend I’ve been hearing about Sandy, Sandy Sandy… If I wasn’t the smart cookie that I am, I would have thought she was a Kardashian or something ^_^

Photo by benkrut/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by benkrut/iStock / Getty Images


As of about noon, I’ve been checking hourly. It’s not that I’m scared. I just like to be prepared. As one of my uncles would say “Don’t be an Ibadan christian” (No offense to my Ibadanians, I love that city). What he means is make sure your faith is strong but don’t be ignorant/negligent. If you are sick, pray for healing and take your meds. God may heal you through the meds or give you that instant miracle.


As of now, these things have occurred:

  1. Obama has issued MD state of emergency.
  2. Governor O’Malley has closed most state Offices and MTA service
  3. Federal offices are closed
  4. Early voting has been suspended
  5. Schools are closing. 

Now,  is it me or should I be looking for a bunker some where?

With my experience from the July storm (No power for a week + Accident) I’m wise enough to not stock my fridge with food, not travel around and keep all appliances hooked to their respective chargers. I have checked Teddy’s food supply and filled my gas tank.

I have a 1/2 box of Ramen noodles, frozen blended pepper, rice and a gas stove, so I will not starve. With the change of job, I don’t have to worry about ironing and my hair is shake and go. That being said I think I’m pretty set. If all else fails I have already mapped out crashpads for me, my electronics and dog 🙂 

You all know who you are. *hint hint* 

What I will do is pray and wish for the safety of all my North-East Coasters!.


Last Friday, I was in the middle of a perfusion and the specimen that was supposed to be immobilized ended up doing a near back flip in my face. I jumped back so face I think I pulled something. Trust and believe that when it came time for specimen number two, the bad boy was tied down S&M style. 

No Games! 

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Monday Motivation #1 | Self Confidence

Happy Monday to you!!

Monday is one of those days of the week that people dread- whether for good cause or just out of habit.   I thought it would be nice to provide you (and myself) with some encouragement, tips or advice for Mondays (and the great week ahead).


Today’s post is on being confident in yourself.

Last Friday, after a long day at the office, was heading out, when I stopped to chat with a colleague (Bobby).  After a brief chat, I looked out the window and said aloud “I’ll head out now because it looks like it’s going to rain. “ Bobby preceded to tell me it was not even close to raining because the sky was blue. I looked out and I could see the twinge of gray in the sky.  After a 30 second debate, I could see how confident Bobby was in this fact. So I conceded with a “well, I guess you are right”. Bobby totally looked triumphant.

Let me tell you friends, I got in my car and as soon as I drove out of the lot it started raining. I don’t mean misting or drizzle. It was a real rain shower.  At that moment I felt two emotions. 

I was quite proud that my instincts for weather forecasting were still sharp but then I was annoyed that I let Bobby win that debate. Not because of facts, but because I second guessed myself.


Three things I learned and I want you to take into the week

1.  Be confident in yourself

Walk into that situation (meeting, interview, presentation etc) with confidence.  Whether you are qualified or not, right or wrong.  Your confidence could be the one thing that would swing things in your favor.

2.  Don’t second guess yourself

 Which also ties into being confident but what I mean here is that once you are confident in something, go with it. Don’t let anyone cause you to second guess your steps/decisions.  It sucks changing your mind about something, only to find out you were right–after the fact.

 3. Fake it til you make it

If you are lacking in the self-confidence department, FAKE IT.  When you make it a habit to appear confident in front of others, overtime, it will start to ring true (on the inside).  Strike a superman pose at least once a day or before a major presentation or interview to get an extra boost of confidence (IT ACTUALLY WORKS)

Over all, have an awesome Monday and enjoy the rest of your week!!!

Stay Random



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TBT | Creative Writing: Agege Bread

Though it may not seem like it by the number of posts on my blog, I have been blogging and writing for a long time.  My blog has been up and down but its ok… It never hurts to get up and try again. As a start I have been playing with the idea of having a weekly Throwback from my collection of old posts.

To Kick-off this series here are one of my story-time posts from 2012.

Title: Creative Writing: Agege Bread

Date: 4/26/12

Just wanted to give you a sample of what is keeping me away from you all:

Photo via
Photo via

“…So there I was, fetching water from the well when a cry rang out. It was piercing but melodic in nature.

“BIIII BuuREEEEDEE” is what it sounded like.

“Kini?” is what I said.

As I looked up from my task, I realized whatthe crier was actually saying.


Bread. I thought to myself.  “Oh Shit” I said, as a I so rarely do.

The bread seller was walking down the road on the other side of the metal fence. I could smell the fresh baked goodness, carried on the trays they expertly balanced on their heads. There were two of them. I ran to the room, for my secret stash of twenty Naira notes. I didn’t even worry about someone seeing where I hid my key. I would remove it later. Bread was calling my name.

I ran to the fence and called out to them.

“Mo fe ra bread” I said in my rusty Yoruba. I was still learning my native tongue…

“How mushh?” one asked in his rusty english, he must not have had a lot of practice either.

Excited for a quick sale, the bread carriers rushed the gate. I think they knew what was about to happen next because a sense of urgency overtook them…”

Memories from my days in Secondary School…


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